Well folks, I know exactly what your thinking! You are all wondering where I have been?!??! Well folks I'll tell ya....lately I've been on the couch. That is all changing- starting now! I'll admit I have been mildly depressed for the past few weeks. Don't get me wrong, I love it here.....I am also not homesick (although I do miss everyone). Really, its just been tough not having a job. I am lonely, I only have the dog to talk to all day, and we don't have a bunch of money. So I sent myself to the couch to feel bad for myself, until yesterday. I decided to get over myself and to get my butt in gear. I've had a few interviews, and honestly they have all said that it is hard to find a good job in this town. Some have even not hired me because I'm new in town....honestly I thought that was illegal! So I have a few things for use. For one.....um, hello I am the only Wildtree Independent Rep in Bozeman. So I'm taking off. Its gonna happen. So, from here on out I'm really going to be pushing the Wildtree product I so dearly believe it. I have decided to join a gym because I really need the contact and human interaction during the day...plus I need to get back to myself. I've been working out at home, but it isn't cutting it for me right now. The gym is just down the street and I can walk there. Plus as a member I can post my Wildtree info. It is an awesome gym too....well it's actually a
club. It isn't very expensive for just me, so Justin isn't included. Also I found a
great church I have been attending, and I have signed up for some volunteer opportunities coming up, so I can meet some people! I have also started extreme couponing.....yep that's right, extreme couponing. I have been shopping the ads and then googling coupons for the specific items. As long as Justin doesn't go the store we save money. Things are working out for us, except...that I really really need my hair cut and colored.....I look like a giant mess. Now, don't feel bad for me because I don't feel bad for me anymore....except feel bad for Justin, he has to come to this hot mess. So, please excuse my absents and expect to see a lot more and maybe even a few giveaways (Wildtree of course). Also I will include a few pictures from the last few weeks....

According to my pictures all I have done is drink beer and eat sweets....oh, and um snowboard. While none of these are completely true, I do need to get my butt in gear and work off this extra weight I have put on. So here are a few things to look forward to in the next few days:
Wildtree recipes, what kind of junk is in your food, great things about grapeseed oil and of course my weight loss challenge I have given myself....currently I can feel grape jelly stuck right under my lip.....this will be changing!
I pretty much guessed by the lack of blogging you were a little depressed. But the cupcakes help :)